Friday, September 7, 2012

Vintage shop talk

I'd like to say a few words about those pretty ladies whose shops I adore as much as my own. Some I know personally, some I don't. Whether we are pals in real life or not, I give credit where credit is due. I'll start with someone I know. :)
Tiffany runs a shop called See Thru Blonde Vintage. I've known her for most of my Tennessean life and she is fantastic is every way. No shit. She's basically the ultimate cool kid. She always has the best boots and coats her shop on etsy started out with the idea of vintage ties. She has since added amazing women's clothing and a traveling mini bar?! Of course it has sold but it's definitely worth mentioning.

Bonne Chance Vintage has been a favorite shop of mine for a long time. Her dresses are gorgeous. She updates every Monday usually between 8-9 p.m. (yeah stalker status) I'm giving you this information because the shop is FULL of amazing items at even better prices ($15-30) and sell out almost immediately. My wardrobe is full of items from the shop. Here's my most recent purchase.

Miss Beat creates the most amazingly quirky and functional aprons along with other handmade goodies. Miss Beat also known as Britani  lives in Chicago and sells some of her items at local businesses there. I've known her for years and she has always been one of the most creative people I know. I actually own one of her handmade aprons, so I can attest to how awesome they actually are. Here's the one I have!

SuperVelma is one of my newest favorite shops. She doesn't sell vintage clothing but she does sell amazingly quirky and fun hand stitched embroideries.  Her shop has been made infamous for creating the embroidered Kayne West tweets.

Murdy Burdy is owned by a girl named Isabella. Her shop is full of amazing clothing, accessories and some eclectic housewares. Her prices are spot on and she updates often so there is always something new to look at! I find her specialty to be a  great collection of vintage novelty and graphic t-shirts.

Alright that is all for now but don't worry I have plenty of favorites left to share... another day.

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